9/2/024 - Third Quarter Moon


image by ideogram

if energy -

can be -

neither created-nor-destroyed -

then autocatalytic -

self-reproduction -

is simply a stable -

form-system -

of energy transformations -

like an escher-esque -

fractal-ecology -

niche-generative -

afford-dancing -

that feels -

entangled -

alive -


recalibrating sensorium -

entangles feeling-attractors -

like eating -

treat-comforts -

and feeling bad -

in the body -

or eating -


and feeling good -

in the body -

what ever tastes -

food industry offers -

it's invoking -

feelings -

that sell it -


the-hero -

and methodological-individualism -

take a -

public hero -

images of public scientist -

doctor -

teacher -

city-worker -

and revolutionary-art -

the every-person -

citizen-hero -

dialectic -

figure-ground paradox -

to focus on ground -

is to figure it out -


to write  -

is to bring a story -

to life -

in a mind -

politics -

brings a narrative -

to life -

in collective-minds -

journalism -

brings re-cognition -

accounting fore narratives -

to life -

in the public mind -


inter-empire -

relations -

appropriations of -

rules -

conventions -

institutions -

to privateer -

world-orders -

among -

primary actors -

of the world -

political-economies -


the flavored -

treat was consumable -

and un-ful-fielling -

the snack-bait -

designed hits -

the sensory field -

without nuance -

and mid-directed -

away from the -

that-was-good -

body-feeling -

of the goodness -

to-the-body -


politicians -

making efforts -

to be -

effective-with-honest-integrity -

must language -

to catalyzes -

alignment -

among people -

toward their common -

aims -

and for democracy -

must keep faith -

to constitutional frame -

of collective self-governance -


pondering -

with license -

to wonder -

a re-cognition -

of a universe

that is 3-d -

manifolds of -

space-time-gravity -


what's the -

anti-ta-rump -

media-ecology -

going to attend to -

for self-sustainment -

after the fade -

what will nourish -

the attentional-surplus -

for imaginary-community -




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