11/9/024 - First Quarter Moon


image by gemini
the moore -

diverse an -

ecology is -

the moore an -

interstitial  commons -

protocol is re-quisite -

a metaphorical -

stem cell -

a-language commons -

fore-by-all literate -

embodied literacies -

life is social-in-nature -

evolving diversity -

in social-living -


it would be -

lovely -

if we could be -

motivated by -

curiosity -

care-for-others -

passion -

rather than -

incentive-I-zed -

by greed -

for profit -


who owens -

the means -

of public -

awareness -


because it's -

the 21st century -

let's get rid -

of this damn -

time-change -

and embrace -

permanent daylight -

savings time -


a-saudade -

yearning -

easy comfort -

of other -

touch -

in casual-play -

with -

intimacies -


what is -

a-healthy -

political-economy -

a-culture -

of care-full values -

for re-cognizing -

life enacts -

auto-catalytic -

metabolic ecology -

niche-environment -

mutual-ism -

shaping all -

parts to feel -

whole -

each figure -

cast -

on ground -

of original-debt -


rather than -

listen -

to the progressive -

left -

de-dems -

embraced -

dr-frankenstein -

neo-cons -

misdirecting a center -

to be -

the right thing -


so public -

and private -

money -

floods -

the media-streams -

to nudge -

the public vote -

and who -

ends up -

with that money -

it's like a -

way of taxing -

democracy -



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